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Our mission is to support research efforts to achieve the primary prevention
of breast and ovarian cancers. The focus of our efforts is to obtain
federal funding for a “Women’s Health Initiative” to facilitate
clinical trials for the primary immune prevention
of breast and ovarian cancer in otherwise healthy, cancer-free women.
Navigating Breast Cancer
Judy Fitzgerald
2 min read
Healthy Lessons from Our Pets
I recently read an article on WebMD which was titled: 20 health lessons you can learn from your pet. It was so interesting, I wanted to...
Judy Fitzgerald
4 min read
The Psychological Challenges of Breast Cancer and Living Beyond
Today’s discussion deals with one of the most important parts of the recovery process. The challenge of dealing with the emotional and...
Judy Fitzgerald
1 min read
Promising Immunotherapy for Metastatic Breast Cancer
Dr. Stephen Rosenberg of the National Cancer Institute has made a breakthrough in treating metastatic breast cancer with patients...
Judy Fitzgerald
1 min read
What’s for dinner - Try Factor 75
What is Factor 75? Factor 75 prepares and delivers fresh, nutritious meals to your door. They combine nutrition science and culinary...
Judy Fitzgerald
4 min read
Is Breast Cancer an Epidemic?
The Epidemic and NED: Is there a breast cancer epidemic? How many women are presently being treated for breast cancer and how many are...
Judy Fitzgerald
2 min read
Cancer is A Word, Not A Sentence
One of the pitfalls one can fall into when diagnosed with Cancer is to look at what the statistics say regarding chance of survival. As...
Judy Fitzgerald
2 min read
Dangerous Chemicals in Makeup and Personal Care Products- Xenoestrogens
Xenoestrogens sounds like something from StarWars, Unfortunately they are very real and are found in many of our personal care products. ...
Judy Fitzgerald
2 min read
Reduce Chemical Exposure
Chemicals in personal care and cleaning products are xenoestrogens! Xenoestrogens sounds like something from StarWars, Unfortunately they...
Judy Fitzgerald
2 min read
Vitamin D Helps increase Breast Cancer Survival
When I was diagnosed in 2008, I read every article I could find addressing factors thought to increase breast cancer survival rate. The...
Judy Fitzgerald
2 min read
Seven Tips for Better Health
Living with NED. Seven tips for better health. A diagnosis of Breast Cancer is a good time to think about your overall health! It’s a...
Judy Fitzgerald
10 min read
The Healing Kitchen
Its so easy to find healthy recipes on the internet. The addition of fresh herbs and spices increases the nutritional value and boosts...
Judy Fitzgerald
33 min read
Food As Medicine - Organic Produce And Pasture Raised Meat Important
You are what you eat is not just a cliche. Everything we eat affects our body chemistry and our immune system. Drink water with...
Judy Fitzgerald
9 min read
Lifestyle Changes
A few simple changes since as walking 20 minutes 3x/week, practicing meditation and getting enough rest can go a long way yo creating a...
Judy Fitzgerald
2 min read
Strategies for Stress Reduction
Stress compromises the immune system and leaves the body susceptible to cancer I recently read an article on WebMD which was titled:...
Judy Fitzgerald
3 min read
Oncotype DX Scores Result in No Chemotherapy for Most Early Breast Cancers
No Chemotherapy for Most Early Breast Cancers Striving for NED…Chemotherapy is one of the most stressful elements of any cancer...
Judy Fitzgerald
1 min read
What is the OncoType DX Test?
When I was diagnosed in 2009, a new genomic test had just been announced for early stage breast cancer. In my case, it would save me...
Judy Fitzgerald
2 min read
Understanding Your Pathology Report
Since I am not medically certified to explain this topic, I used credentialed resources to gather and summarize this complex topic. The...
Judy Fitzgerald
2 min read
The Difference Between Tumor Grade and Staging
Striving for NED…Since I am not medically certified to explain this topic, I used credentialed resources to gather and summarize this...
Judy Fitzgerald
2 min read
Which is Better for Breast Cancer Diagnosis – Mammogram or Sonogram?
Which is better for diagnosing breast cancer, a mammogram or sonogram? I recently read an article by Dr. Robert L. Bard concerning the...
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